Here you will find tutorials and articles dealing with all aspects of digital photography



Rule of ThirdsComposition Digital Darkroom: Composition

In the first of this series of articles, I would like to talk about how I decide on the final composition of an image. With examples of RAW and processed photographs, I will explain the techniques and approaches I use to determine my final composition.  



histogramHistogram Digital DarkroomThe Histogram

A Histogram is a very effective tool in creating good exposures. It is one of the great advantages of shooting digital over film. In this tutorial I will discuss how you can use this powerful tool to create good exposures. 



resolution Digital DarkroomResolution and the Printed Image

In this article I will explain the link between image resolution and print resolution, and the safest way to print your images without losing quality.



Digital SharpeningSharpening

Digital Darkroom: Sharpening Digital Images

In this article I will discuss how I go about sharpening my images in a non-destructive way in Lightroom and Photoshop. 




ND Calculator

Long Exposure Calculator

Download free ND long exposure calculator chart.